SMART Conference Help


Peer Review Process

1.Click the link in the email sent from the secretariat.

2.Accept the request and Create an account
① Accept the peer reviewer request.

② Enter the required information and click “send”.

③ If you already have an account, log in with your password.

3.Complete accepting/rejecting the request

Confirmation screen will be displayed.
Please double-check the entered contents and click “send”to complete the process.

4Review the Papers 
   ①  Click “Result of peer-review” on the side menu.
The list of abstracts assigned to you will be displayed.

②  Click “Details”.

③  You can view the abstract and the details.

5Answer the result of peer review

① Click “Answer” on the top right.

② Please pull down and select your evaluation or enter comments.

③ Click “Continue to the confirmation screen”.

④ Click “Send” to complete the evaluation.

  *Please note that you cannot change the result after sending.

6Check the status of peer-review

Once you complete your evaluation, the status shows “✅Refereed”.

*If an abstract needs some revisions and gets re-submitted by the

author, the status changes from “✅Refereed” to “!Unrefereed” to be

reviewed again.



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